[Zope] XRON enhancement suggestion
Capesius, Alan
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 17:47:44 -0500
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Joel Burton [mailto:jburton@scw.org]
>>>Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 5:37 PM
>>>But wait... if Resume Living raises an error, without an
>>>except clause in
>>>there, it will propigate up an show the user an exception.
In this case it shows the programmer AS an exception. I figure I'm dead at
that point, so whether the program continues or not is someone else's
Meanwhile, my cellphone will continue to get a message every half hour
because I'll be too dead to shut down Zope and too dead to learn ZClasses
and fix it. Eventually, someone will find my body and turn off the computer,
format it and use it to play Quake, so at least my death won't be in vain.
I take some comfort from that.
>>>ZClasses (as you probably know) don't require any Python
>>>programming at
(didn't say they did)
wish I had that kind of time.
Too busy with all this SQL front end stuff.
Ahhhh the weekend draws closer....
- Alan