[Zope] Can't compile Zope-2.4.0-src on HP-UX11 SystemError: 256

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 23:02:44 +0200 (CEST)

Andre Konopka writes:
 > ....
 > I tried to compile  Zope-2.4.0 (with python-2.1.1)  on my
 > HP-UX 11.00 box with no success...
 > I have got the following error:
 > ...
 > make
 > Make: Don't know how to make ././src/Splitter.c.  Stop.
That's the real error:
  it can not find "src/Splitter.c".

Now, the '././' looks a bit strange.
I would try to find out how they were generated and check
whether they are correct (probably not).
If not, I would fix it...
