[Zope] Discovering the path and querying on it....

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 22:58:36 +0200 (CEST)

Rustad, Aaron writes:
 > I have a Z SQL Method that looks like this:
 > SELECT menu_item, link_path 
 >   FROM page_links
 >  WHERE page_path = <dtml-sqlvar page_path type=string>
 > What I want is to be able to populate page_path using something like this (I
 > know it doesn't work):
 >                   <dtml-in exec="page_links_query(page_path=PATH_INFO)">
 >                     <A HREF="menu_path"><dtml-var menu_item><BR></A>
 >                   </dtml-in>
 > Anyone know how I could do this?
Looks good!
Does it not work?
