[Zope] Error packing Data.fs due to time problems

andres andres@mamey.com
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 17:18:50 GMT


I'm having problems packing a Data.fs file under Zope-2.3.3. When packing
is attempted it returns the message: 

Error Type: FileStorageError
Error Value: The database has already been packed to a later time or no
changes have been made since the last pack 

This is thrown by lib/python/ZODB/FileStorage.py 

Since we have made changes to the Data.fs the problem must be due to
a "time" issue. 

In addition, we feel confident that it is not a system clock issue because
we can pack other Data.fs files on the same machine. 

Using fsrecover.py gave us the message: "Nothing to recover" 

Anybody else encounter this problem? We can use the Data.fs but short of
exporting all its contents to a new file, we would like correct this
packing problem in situ. 

Andres Corrada-Emmanuel
Internet Programming        http://www.mamey.com