[Zope] Thread-Safety and ZODB Was: How/Where to store user specific data?
Thomas Guettler
Thomas Guettler <thomas@thomas-guettler.de>
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 08:16:55 +0200
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 06:43:39PM -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 12:22:09AM +0200, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> > How (Where) can I store user specific data?
> >
> > I am developing a product in python (Multible Choice Test) and want to
> > store some data for every user (Results of the tests).
> >
> > I see two ways:
> > Add data to the user object in acl_users
> God, no. Won't scale, depends on which acl_user is in use.
> > or
> > Store data in a hash with the user-id as key
> Won't survive threading. You could use some sort of Session
> product, but if this needs to be permanent, that is also the wrong
> solution.
Why? According to the ZopeBook ZODB is thread-safe. But I don't know
how this thread-safety is implemented. How can I synchronise things
like this:
if(self.i<100): i=i+1
If self.i mustnot be bigger than 100 this could be a problem.
> This sounds like a job for a database.
Up to now I was very impressed by ZODB. Would like to use it.
Open Source Software Solutions
Thomas Guettler <thomas@thomas-guettler.de>