[Zope] Re: STX and images
Tres Seaver
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 08:19:49 -0400
Danny William Adair wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to be able to insert images in an stx document using the
> "alttext":img:/path/to/image
> input style of StructuredText.DocumentWithImages and then when needed
> render them to HTML using StructuredText.HTMLWithImages. For this
> purpose I tried to adopt code of the CMF that Tres Seaver posted to
> zope@zope.org (almost three months ago), to make it work as an external
> method that converts stx input (with the a/m image insertions) to html.
> I have the following code in my "Extensions" folder and the function
> stx_to_html (now available as an External Method) works _almost_ like a
> charm:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import StructuredText, re
> from StructuredText.HTMLWithImages import HTMLWithImages
> _STXDWI = StructuredText.DocumentWithImages.__class__
> class DWIClass( StructuredText.DocumentWithImages.__class__ ):
> _URL_AND_PUNC = r'([a-zA-Z0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~]+)'
> def doc_href( self, s, expr1 = re.compile( _STXDWI._DQUOTEDTEXT +
> "(:)" + _URL_AND_PUNC + _STXDWI._SPACES).search, expr2 = re.compile(
> _STXDWI._SPACES).search):
> return _STXDWI.doc_href( self, s, expr1, expr2 )
> DWIClass = DWIClass()
> class HWIClass( HTMLWithImages ):
> def document(self, doc, level, output):
> for c in doc.getChildNodes():
> getattr(self, self.element_types[c.getNodeName()])(c, level, output)
> HWIClass = HWIClass()
> def stx_to_html( text, level=1 ):
> st = StructuredText.Basic( text )
> if not st:
> return ""
> doc = DWIClass( st )
> html = HWIClass( doc, level )
> return html
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Problem is, as soon as I have an underscore in the image path, the
> rendering will stop at that point, and continue spitting out the rest of
> the URL as raw text. What am I doing wrong? Is it DocumentWithImages or
> HTMLWithImages themselves, or is it the above subclass (with
> _URL_AND_PUNC) that lead to this incorrect rendering?
> (btw, Zope Version is 2.4.1b1)
Hmm, the code I posted was to work around the lack of underscore
in Zope 2.3's version of StructuredText.DocumentWithImages.doc_href;
in Zope 2.4, you shouldn't need my hack to fix 'doc_href'. OTOH,
'doc_img' is still broken in Zope 2.4.
The workaround should be to hack in 'doc_img' into your 'DWIClass',
such that the patterns it passes to the base class' 'doc_img' include
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com