[Zope] Attribute Error on Product Initialization

Jochen Knuth J.Knuth@ipro.de
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 13:42:24 +0200


"Ronald L. Chichester" wrote:
> There is probabaly some nuance that I'm missing, but I don't see it.  I have
> a product that I'm trying to get going, but I keep getting this nagging
> AttributeError on line 8 of my __init__.py file regarding them
> manage_addDoctrineAction.  For the life of me, I don't see what the problem
> could be.  Any hints anyone?
> Here is the Doctrine.py file...
> __doc__ = """Legal Doctrine Object"""
> __version__ = '0.1'
>         def manage_addDoctrineAction(self, id, title, comments, status, thumbs_up,
> maintainer, RESPONSE=None):
>                 "Add a Doctrine to a folder."
>                 self._setObject(id, Doctrine(id, title, comments, status, thumbs_up,
> maintainer))
>                 RESONSE.redirect('index_html')

perhaps it would help to say RESPONSE.redirect('index_html') instead of
RESONSE.redirect('index_html') ?

Jochen Knuth          WebMaster http://www.ipro.de
IPRO GmbH             Phone ++49-7152-93330
Steinbeisstr. 6       Fax ++49-7152-933340
71229 Leonberg        EMail: J.Knuth@ipro.de