[Zope] Help with folders and authentication

Todd Loomis tloomis@dmso.mil
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:04:32 -0400


Why when I do this does the acquire permission settings all get check when 
I all want what I list below. Also is there away to may a form login, as 
I'm using Zope 2.2.5 and none of the things I've tried worked such as 
LoginManager and CookieCrumbler.
<dtml-with "folders[REQUEST['folder']]">
	<dtml-call expr="manage_addFolder(id=REQUEST['FolderName'], 
title=REQUEST['FolderName']) and manage_permission('Access contents 
information', 'Add Documents, Images, and Files', 'Add Folders', 'View', 
['Adstemp', 'Manager'],1,REQUEST)">
