[Zope] Request regarding 'Hotfixes'
Tommy Johnson
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:46:36 -0800
> > OK, so what do we call them? Monkey patches? ;)
> > To my mind, a "Product" adds functionality to Zope, it doesn't
> change some
> > core behavior (thought there are products out there that do,
> like ZDebug).
> > So I suggest we need a way to distinguish these types of
> hotfix-methodology
> > based products. Or a subclass of Product... I can't think of a
> good name.
> > Patch would again imply fixing something...
> coreMods?
> flyingMods? (as in "on the fly")
> coreJimmies? (think east coast ice cream)
> pixieDust?
I was thinking of <something>Extension. Maybe coreExtension. I don't know,
I'm terrible with names. The last five hampsters I had, I called Buddy. Now
that I'm getting a puppy, I need to think of a name. Guess what? LOL.
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