[Zope] Zope periodically shutting down....
Dieter Maurer
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 21:47:20 +0200 (CEST)
Rustad, Aaron writes:
> Has anyone else experienced Zope shutting down automatically? I can't seem
> to trace when it happens, but it seems to just shut down after a few
> hours.....Is there a log file kept anywhere?
Yes, a long time ago, when the Oracle client library munched the
memory management....
You can turn on Zope's normal logging:
python z2.py ... STUPID_LOG_FILE=logfile ...
This will protocol when Zope restarts (an some other things).
Information is usually not sufficient to analyse the problem.
You can turn on "-M" logging. Zope will write a detailed
request log file. You can use "requestprofiler.py" to
analyse the file.
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