[Zope] Trees
paul dunbar
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 12:31:47 +0200
I have a tree implented on a website and am trying to count the number of nodes or children
each visible branch has without you actually having to open the branch.i would like to be able
to show the number of documents the branch has underneath it.my problem is that when i
search the catalog for say meta-type 'material',i get the same result on all the branches.this is
because i cannot distinguish between 'material' that is a child of the branch,and material
under all branches.the catalog has many indexes,one being the meta-type which refers to the
type of document.i need a parameter in the catalog that will exclude children found that are
not connected to the relevant branch.another way i thought of doing this would be to use the
tree-level attribute.i am new to zope and dtml so any help would be greatly appreciated and
please excuse me if i have not explained my problem properly,if anyone needs a point clarified
,i will do so.
paul dunbar.
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