[Zope] Adding a ZClass instance in python
Dieter Maurer
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 18:37:34 +0200 (CEST)
Gilles Lenfant writes:
> context.REQUEST.set('id', myNewId)
> context.manage_addProduct['MyProduct'].MyZClass_add(_.None, NoRedir=1)
> return 'Done'
my_context= context.manage_addProduct['MyProduct']
my_context.MyZClass_add(my_context,context.REQUEST, NoRedir=1)
and please keep in mind:
*WHENEVER* you call a DTML object explicitely (i.e. other
than within DTML "name" parameters), you *MUST* pass in
the correct context.
There is no longer any magic, that does it for you.