[Zope] Re: Map server
Dragos Lipan
Mon, 03 Dec 2001 09:17:13 +0200
I looked myself for a native product for Zope (Python inside) which would=
be GIS enabled,
but didn't find. Maybe one day I'll try develop one :)).
But you still have a big resource links here, where you can find something=
youi're looking for.
http://www.spatialhydrology.com/freedownload.html. Maybe you have more time=
then me.
I found also some links of people intending to develop a zope poduct, but=
is still just poetry :)).
If you want an really GIS enabled website, try Apache:theotherport for=
--ugly but working
(see a demo at 'http://www.retezat.ro/retezatmap/index.html')
I'm designing also a similar solution.
If you want just some rasters interlaced with points, try MapIt=
(www.mapit.de)... not GIS, nut you can
simulate one :(.
Images have to be stored also as resampled files for zoom in&out :((.
Heard about Grass+Grasslinks+PHP (), but you have to be a GIS Grass enabled=
user look @
You can search java- based solutions, I cannot help mach here, sorry.
Maybe we'll keep i touch for some developements in the future,
Dragos Lipan
Piatra Craiului National Park
str. Raului 27, 2223 Zarnesti, Brasov, Romania
tel. 40-93-330477