[Zope] Re: More product writing problems

Seb Bacon seb@jamkit.com
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 17:51:42 -0000

----- Original Message -----
From: Tille, Andreas <TilleA@rki.de>
> WARNING: Python C API version mismatch for module _OIBTree:
> This Python has API version 1010, module _OIBTree has version 1007.

Means just want it says: the modules were compiled with a different python
from the one you're using.  Normally shouldn't matter.

>     ob.keywords={}
>     for kw in keywords:
>         kw=kw.strip()

You can't iterate over a dictionary.  It doesn't have a order, and it is
made up of key, value pairs.  You want
for kw in keywords.keys():
  # do stuff
  value = keywords[key] # for example

Actually, I think python 2.1 or perhaps 2.2 adds some new methods to
dictionaries but I can't remember what.
