[Zope] CMF, like it? hate it? why? other options?
Jan Ulrich Hasecke
04 Dec 2001 19:55:15 +0100
HNBeck@t-online.de (Hans N. Beck) writes:
> I've tried to use it for a micro-intranet test project in my
> company. But to get the car rolling seems to need mystic
> capabilities and a long life like Buffy's Angel. So I let it be and
> write my one stuff. It might be nice, but needs to much energy and
> time to use it.
I have made a CMFDefault-Site (http://www.netzliteratur.de) which is
very ugly. A designer is working on it. I told her to make a XHTML 1.0
Site with a nice StyleSheet.
I really do not know if I ever will be able to make a useful skin out
of her ideas. I will try to extract the bones of logic out of the
CMFDefault-Site wrapping it into a complete new PageLayout.
So maybe next week you will hear my deperate cries! ;-)
Der dornige Zweig der Abderiten-Familie