[Zope] Live track with Paul Everitt at Net4Any Paris available in MP3

Jerome Alet alet@unice.fr
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 20:52:57 +0100


I'm pleased to announce that large bits of Net4Any's meeting with
Paul Everitt on November 23 in Paris are now available in MP3 format.

For the Eurozopers here who have already received a similar message
some days ago, I must say that the two first parts that were missing 
are now available along with the rest. These two parts are Paul's

Net4Any organized this event, and many european Zope developpers came 
there to discuss with Paul about the future of Zope and their own products.

Unfortunately, because of different technical problems there are 
several files instead of a single one, and some parts 
are missing. However you should be able to listen to something like
3 hours of discussion, jokes (even private ones ;-), explanations, 

Because of lack of time I've not edited any of these files in any way, so
you can hear at some preliminary tests at the beginning...

The Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, and particularly its 
Medicine School, are pleased to host these files on their server
for some time.

You can listen to them using any web browser with an MP3 plugin 
(RealPlayer, xmms, mpg123, FreeAmp, WinAmp, iTunes, etc...), at : 







Alternatively, you can download them with wget with command lines 
similar to :

wget http://stream.unice.fr:8000/file/zope/zopeintro-1.mp3
wget http://stream.unice.fr:8000/file/zope/zopeintro-2.mp3
wget http://stream.unice.fr:8000/file/zope/zope-1.mp3
wget http://stream.unice.fr:8000/file/zope/zope-2.mp3
wget http://stream.unice.fr:8000/file/zope/zope-3.mp3
wget http://stream.unice.fr:8000/file/zope/zope-4.mp3

Please report any problem to access these files.

Happy Zoping !

Jerome Alet - Medicine School of Nice - France