[Zope] newbie...

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 09:23:06 +0100

From: "Maneesh Yadav" <yadavm@scripps.edu>
> Would someone mind giving me a general layout for connectivity between
> everything? I know
> Zope has ZopeDB but it is unclear to me as to how to actually make data
> entries and define a database...

Well, you don't, really. It's object oriented, so what you do is that you
create new object classes, either with ZClasses or with Python. When you the
create object instances in the ZODB, the data that are a part of these
objects will be stored in the database.

If this all goes over your head, using an external Postgres DB is easier.
You create a connection with a database adapter (DA) and the create Z SQL
Methods to make SQL queries to this database. The result you get are also
objects, but you can use them as if they were arrays.