[Zope] Changing Properties (Was: More product writing problems)
Tille, Andreas
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 13:33:35 +0100 (CET)
while now syntactically correct I was not able to solve my logical
problem, which is: Stripping a set of keywords of type 'lines' from
whitespace and removing blank lines.
The properties.dtml method calls 'manage_editProperties:method'.
So I searched
for this method. This calls 'self._updateProperty(name, value)'
and so I've thought it would be sane to override this method with my
own. I just copyed the method _updateProperty from and tried
def _updateProperty(self, id, value):
# Update the value of an existing property. If value
# Code was stolen from: /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/PropertyManager.py
# is a string, an attempt will be made to convert
# the value to the type of the existing property.
if not self.hasProperty(id):
raise 'Bad Request', 'The property %s does not exist' % id
if type(value)==type(''):
proptype=self.getPropertyType(id) or 'string'
if type_converters.has_key(proptype):
if id == 'keywords' : # +
save_keywords=self.keywords # +
self.keywords=[] # +
for keyword in save_keywords: # +
keyword=keyword.strip() # +
if keyword != '' : # +
self.keywords.append(keyword) # +
self._setPropValue(id, value)
Unfortunately I see no effect for my changed keyword values. Did I
something wrong? Any suggestion how to debug this code?
Kind regards