TTW Mass Importing was (RE: [Zope] Help on mass import of images)
Trevor Toenjes
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 09:54:06 -0500
> I have got the "FTP answer", but what do you mean with Zip?
> Uploading a Zip an then extracting it inside of Zope?
Yes, several people have done it this way. But this requires users to know
how to use Zip and create their own archives to upload as a single file.
> > I am still in the search of a better way to allow a user to
> select multiple
> > images from their local system and upload them all at one time, without
> > having to use an ftp-app or zip.
> > A TTW (thru the web) method to enable this would be very useful.
> > Is anyone interested in helping to build a flexible Zope
> product to handle
> > this?
> I am definitely interested, because this is the problem I am
> working on. I thought of a special kind of folderish object, that
> allows a mass upload (of course), but more important some kind of
> image management (keyword search, automatic thumbnail creation,
> etc.). But this would also require a special image class. I found
> the "Photo Product" on, but this was not exactly what I
> was looking for.
Well, I just want to address the upload issues. What you do with the
uploads, inserting into a new 'meta-type', etc, is outside the requirement.
I have several scenarios.
1. user has to upload several specific images thru a form and hit upload
image1 [ ] [BROWSE]
image2 [ ] [BROWSE]
image3 [ ] [BROWSE]
image4 [ ] [BROWSE]
The script can then rename all the images to be used appropriately in Zope.
I currently have this in a ZClass, but they have to hit submit for each
I dont want them to upload any images, unless they upload them all.
2. Upload mass images to folder
Allow a user to go to a local directory and multi-select images to
Using [CTRL]-select or [SHIFT]-select would be ideal.
Drag and Drop TTW would be "Heavenly" Ideal. So some Java may be
Can your FTP solution do this?