[Zope] Zope site problem

Jin Chen jchen@nautilus.org
Thu, 06 Dec 2001 10:33:02 -0800


I meet a serious problem. When I want to add a DTML document in root folder
using the id as "URL" and click the "ADD" button, Zope Error occur. Then I
go back to the root folder and add DTML document with another id such as
"test" or "temp".., there has the same Zope error. And all the button on
the manage page are not work even I logout and restart the machine and
relogin. It seems my zope site died.

How can I figure out this problem? Hope you help me.

Zope Error

           Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

           Error Type: AttributeError
           Error Value: __getslice__

           Troubleshooting Suggestions

                The URL may be incorrect. 
                The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect. 
                A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering
an error. 

           For more detailed information about the error, please refer to
the HTML source for
           this page. 

           If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank
you for your patience. 

Traceback (innermost last):
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 223, in
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 187, in publish
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 226, in
    (Object: RoleManager)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 171, in publish
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 160, in mapply
    (Object: manage_main)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 112, in
    (Object: manage_main)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\Shared\DC\Scripts\Bindings.py, line 324,
in __call__
    (Object: manage_main)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\Shared\DC\Scripts\Bindings.py, line 354,
in _bindAndExec
    (Object: manage_main)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\App\special_dtml.py, line 241, in _exec
    (Object: manage_main)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\Shared\DC\Scripts\Bindings.py, line 338,
in __render_with_namespace__
    (Object: manage_tabs)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\Shared\DC\Scripts\Bindings.py, line 354,
in _bindAndExec
    (Object: manage_tabs)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\App\special_dtml.py, line 241, in _exec
    (Object: manage_tabs)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_With.py, line 148, in
    (Object: _(manage_options=filtered_manage_options()))
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_In.py, line 770, in
    (Object: manage_options)
  File U:\Jin\WebSite\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_Util.py, line 230, in
    (Object: URL[-(_.len(action)):]==action or
                URL[-17:]=='/manage_workspace' and _['sequence-start'])
    (Info: action)
  File <string>, line 0, in ?
AttributeError: (see above)

Jin Chen

The Nautilus Institute
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