[Zope] [Fwd: Re: Zope Solution]
Philipp Auersperg
06 Dec 2001 23:45:16 +0100
You're right, as Stephan answered to you we used in this project Zope as
a pure 'blind' appserver.
the protocol we used there is xmlrpc (www.xmlrpc.com) which has bindings
for nearly all languages, among these: python,c++,java on client and
serverside. xmlrpclib marshalls function calls and basic types
(scalars,dicts,lists,datetimes) as xml statements and uses http as
Zope has a built-in xmlrpc server.
There are also projects for other protocols (SOAP and CORBA) but I think
the latter one is in an experimental state.
The point I liked so much about xmlrpc was that is very uncomplicated to
As I can read from your explanation it should be well possible to
implement that with Zope.
Please let me know when you need more information, perhaps you can then
provide me more details about your project .
Am Don, 2001-12-06 um 13.59 schrieb Geir Arne Evjen:
> I posted this message in Zope's miling list. I got a reply that I should
> contact you.
> Did you have a similar problemsituation?
> Greeting from,
> Geir Arne Evjen
> >I'd heard about this nice product throught a collegue of mine, and I have
> >some questions in which I hope someone can answer me :-)
> >Me and someothers are working with thermodynamic modelling and alogorithms.
> >One year ago we saw the need of distribution of our code, which means that
> >we
> >made our thermodynamic calculation engine as a separate module, and other
> >modules could use this one (The thermodynamic core could also access other
> >modules again). All communication between the modules are in CORBA. When we
> >want to send data to the modules, id.e. modellparameters we use XML. Later
> >we
> >created a dynamic GUI language for manipulation of the parameters and other
> >stuff, inserting values into the XML tree and calling the different module
> >functions. Its our glue module. (which is more or less does the same as Zope
> >(Correct me if I'm wrong.).
> >So to my question:
> >This summer we built a GUI client using java which communicated with our
> >gluemodule. This is a solution we want to have. Is it possible in Zope to
> >accomplish this in some way. (Id.e communication without using a web client)
> >Best regards,
> >Geir Arne Evjen