[Zope] NameError (global name 'namespace' is not defined) - m ore diagnos tics and code

Ronald.Chichester@bakerbotts.com Ronald.Chichester@bakerbotts.com
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 16:06:59 -0600

That was it!  Problem solved.

Incidentally, are you allowed to make classes in python scripts and return
those classes from method?

For example, in an error condition, I want to create an instance of a class
that is defined within the python script.  However, I get an error message
when the script encounters that error condition.  I suspect that this is a
security issue (because the "anonymous" user would be creating an object,
although one that is not persistent in the ZODB).  Is there a way around the
problem, or will I just have to return a list on the fly as done in my
earlier code?

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McDonough [mailto:chrism@zope.com]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 4:01 PM
To: Ronald.Chichester@bakerbotts.com; zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] NameError (global name 'namespace' is not defined) -
more diagnos tics and code

That's likely the problem.  It should be whatever your script thinks
it is, which in this case seems to be "namespace".

> I looked at bindings on the 2-3-1 site.  The namespace binding value
> blank (although '_' was recommended).  Could that be the problem?
Should it
> be '_' under 2-4-x?
> Ron