[Zope] HELP!!! Siteroot
Chris Cothrun
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:18:51 -0800
I seem to remember getting around this problem by connecting with a WebDAV client (one of the free java ones listed at http://webdav.org/) and deleting the siteroot object from there.
I could be mistaken though, and another solution has been provided that should work well.
On 13 Dec 2001 at 7:27, Aruna Prabhakaran wrote:
> I have been locked out of my Zope instance while trying to use
> siteroot.I added a siteroot in a folder which is immediately under the
> root.Now I am not able to access that port.It says "Resource not
> found" I can guess the prob is with my PATH specified.It's pointing to
> a non existent path....But I am not able to go back and change it.
> Somebody Please help . I simply CANNOT afford to lose the content on
> this port.can somebody help me atleast retrieve the content on this
> port? Thanks and Regards Aruna Prabhakaran ZeOmega Infotech Pvt Ltd
> Bangalore India.