[Zope] Automatically run an external method?

seb bacon seb@jamkit.com
17 Dec 2001 12:08:15 +0000

On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 03:48, Bruce Eckel wrote:
> Well, I can run the program by hand for the time being but it would
> be convenient to figure out how to do it automatically.
> It sounds like I need to make a new product? Haven't learned how to
> create one of those yet...

Right.  There's no event hooking API in core Zope yet, just a small
number of hooks which meet specific requirements (e.g.
manage_beforeDelete and manage_afterAdd, which are useful for
catalogues).  As Sean mentioned, a good framework for doing this would
be the workflow tool in the CMF, but you'll find there's a lot to get to
grips with.  There's a workflow tool which allows you to set states and
transitions on objects; it also allows you to hook workflow to
particular object methods (by wrapping the method with a proxy class).
