Ben Ocean
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:13:43 -0800
At 03:57 PM 12/17/01 +0000, you wrote:
>On Mon, 2001-12-17 at 15:40, Ben Ocean wrote:
> > #su nobody -c \
> > > "/usr/local/bin/python /home/httpd/ZopeInstallation/zope0/z2.py \
> > > -p /home/httpd/cgi/zope0/Zope.cgi \
> > > -w '' -m '' -f 8080 -t 2 -Z
> > /home/httpd/ZopeInstallation/zope0/var/zProcessManager.pid \
> > > INSTANCE_HOME=/home/httpd/ZopeInstallation/zope0 \
> > > /home/httpd/ZopeInstallation/zope0/z2.log 2>&1 &"
> >
> > I've created the extra files (Zope.cgi, z2.log). I wasn't quite sure what
> > pid Jim wanted for his *manager.pid*, so I assumed the zProcessManager was
> > what he was after and stuck that in. At any rate, when I run the above I
> > just get a prompt returned, but Zope isn't started. And frankly, I have
> > little idea what the above code is trying to accomplish and don't even
> know
> > where to begin deciphering it. Can someone please let me know what I'm
> > doing wrong and help me understand what that code is saying?
>I haven't got any time to help much either, but there are easier ways of
>getting started than this.
> http://www.zope.org/Members/4am/instancehome
>is simple to follow and describes the minimum you need to do to get
>multiple instances running. jim's other stuff is just redhat specific
>startup scripts. you can manage without them until you understand how
>they work; for now, you could just hard code calls to start each of your
>zopes individually in /etc/rc.d/rc.local or similar.
Thanks, Seb. I was planning on doing that in a pinch, but as I'm building a
new server and preparing to build a robust portal I really want to try to
build the infrastructure right. We all know how important infrastructure
is. If anyone has the time and understanding to help me weed through this
script, I'd appreciate the hand up!