[Zope] Multiple SQL statements in a single ZSQL method?
Vid Bijelic
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 11:02:42 -0800 (PST)
Just place ; at the end of sql statement.
delete from table1;
insert into table1
insert into table1
values((select MAX(teable1_primary_key) from
table1)+1,'Hello Again');
--- Harlow Pinson <hpinson@indepthl.com> wrote:
> Is is possible to insert multiple SQL statements
> into a single ZSQL
> method? Can anyone provide a simple example for
> doing this?
> i.e.; in a single ZSQL method:
> INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES (field1);
> INSERT INTO tbl2 VALUES (field1);
> Harlow Pinson
> Indepth Learning
> Email: hpinson@indepthl.com
> Web: http://www.indepthl.com
> Voice: 505-994-2135
> FAX: 208-475-7678
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