Re[4]: [Zope] unable to instanciate product instance
Jerry McRae
Jerry McRae <>
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 14:22:22 -0800
Hi Casey, -
re: what you <CD> wrote Jerry on Tuesday, December 18, 2001 at 12:40 PM:
CD> From your browser try:
CD> ftp://username@myzope:8021/
Thanks. I knew there was some simple secret. I did have to use
username:password@ Here I found the ftp zerver does a
thing that must be useful most of the time. Instances with error (shows
on the monitor) get left out of the file list altogether.
I guess I can write a script that somehow deletes the offending item..
Wow! That was easier that I thought:
<dtml-var "MyFolder.manage_delObjects('MyBadItem')">
...and away go troubles down the drain.
Thanks for helping.
CD> or from DOS try:
CD> ftp myzope 8021
CD> This assumings you are running Zope on the FTP port it default to (8021), if
CD> not, use the port number you specified in the start script.
/\_/\ Jerry McRae \|||/ mail safely: The Bat! 1.53d
(~o o~) (stuck in win98) (. .) Zope v2.4.1 - dryer than golf
)'Y'( _______________-o00-(_)-00o-____________________________________
( ) / If I had a nickel for every time Windows crashes... Oh yea, I do!
--Bill Gates