[Zope] [SOLVED] Including Script-Generated String in Method Call
Dan Shafer
Sun, 30 Dec 2001 18:16:32 -0800
Thanks to clues from Emmanuel Viennet and from Bak, each of whom
supplied a piece of the puzzle, and to a more careful re-reading of
Chapter 8 of The Zope Book, I finally fixed this problem. It turned
out I had two compunding misunderstandings/errors.
First, to call the Python script in a DTML context, I needed the
script to be in quotation marks (which I had) BUT I also needed the
function parens for it to work.
Second, I learned the rule that you can't put DTML into a DTML tag.
That was illuminating. It also helped me understand why the call to
_render that Bak suggested wasn't working for me when I called the
script but did work if I supplied a string.
So here is what I ended up with:
<dtml-let pagetoload="pagetoget()">
<dtml-var "_.render(_.getattr(PARENTS[0], pagetoload ))">
The Script Object ios called pagetoget. I assign its return value to
the DTML variable pagetoload. Then I use pagetoload as an argument to
the _.getattr builtin and pass the whole thing to _.render (which I
didn't find documented anywhere but I'm grateful to you guys for
pointing me to it) and, voila!, the page loads.
I'm going to write a HowTo on this one because I suspect it's
something a lot of people have had to figure out the hard way. Now to
figure out how to get a HowTo submitted on Zope.org.
Thanks again.
Dan Shafer, Author-Consultant