[Zope] relative path to objects in <dtml-var>

Joshua Lanza jlanza@vorsite.com
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 13:48:49 -0800

My question about this is whether it will break some browsers that are
looking for a ".gif" or ".jpg" extension? I'm sure that there must be
some meta data in the files themselves declaring that "I'm a jpg", but I
have avoided "x_jpg" because of this concern. Does anyone know that this
won't pose a problem?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Datzert [mailto:Dirk.Datzert@rasselstein-hoesch.de]=20
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 1:35 PM
To: Roy Mathew
Cc: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] relative path to objects in <dtml-var>

Hi Roy,

your problem maybe the dot in the filename x.gif, x.png !? This is not
in a pyhton expression.

Make a TransparentFolder named Images in the root / .
Put your graphics into Images named x_gif and x_png and you should can
call them
in every dtml like

<dtml-var x_gif> or <dtml-var x_png>


Roy Mathew schrieb:

> Folks,
> I am trying to use acquisition to include images in my webpages. My
> is to have a central directory of Images, and several other
> of Zope objects that use those images.
> For example, witness the following structure:
>   Images/gifs/x.gif
>   Images/pngs/x.png
>   Content/A/page1_dtml  (contains: <dtml-var x.gif>)
>   Content/B/page1_dtml  (contains: <dtml-var x.png>)
> My understanding of using pathnames in acquisition, is that one needs
> to insert the minimum relative path to the images from a reachable
> parent folder, that one can get away with, somewhere in the referring
> Now, if I use the URL
>   http://localhost/Content/Images/gifs/A/page1_dtml
> OR
>   http://localhost/Content/Images/pngs/B/page1_dtml
> thing work fine.
> What I would really like to do is be able to specify the paths to the
> inside
> of the dtml file itself, something like:
>   Content/A/page1_dtml  (contains: <dtml-var Images/gifs/x.gif>)
>   Content/B/page1_dtml  (contains: <dtml-var Images/pngs/x.png>)
> so that my URLS can be simpler, like:
>   http://localhost/Content/A/page1_dtml
>   http://localhost/Content/B/page1_dtml
> and still find the gifs.
> But this fails in ZOPE; can someone show me the light please!
> Thanks,
> Roy Mathew.
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