[Zope] 2 more questions :-|
Dieter Maurer
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 23:04:56 +0100 (CET)
Klaus Herrmann writes:
> <dtml-in "PARENTS[0].objectValues(['DTML Document','Folder'])" sort="id,
> meta_type" >
> BUT: i want to sort meta_type in reverse order (to have the folders on top),
> and the id in "normal" order.
> is that possible? how?
"in"'s sort does not support this.
You can do it in an external method using Python's "sort" method
or extend "in"'s sorting capabilities.
> (2) i have a dtml-tree, but i don't want to list the contents of the current
> folder but of PARENTS[1].
<dtml-tree "PARENTS[1]">