[Zope] Squishdot Upgrade problems
Cornelis J. de Brabander
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 09:37:09 +0100
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Chris
> Withers
> Sent: maandag 26 februari 2001 21:18
> To: Cornelis J. de Brabander
> Cc: zope
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Squishdot Upgrade problems
> "Cornelis J. de Brabander" wrote:
> >
> > I am searching for an easy way to upgrade some thirty squishdot
> sites from
> > version 0.3.2 to 0.7.3. The reason behind all this is that I
> want to migrate
> > an existing site frome Zope 2.1.6. to Zope 2.2.2.
> Hmmm, any particular reason for 2.2.2? Personally, I'd wait for
> Zope 2.3.1 and
> go for that instead.
Me to, I was just experimenting with a 2.2.2 version that was readily
> With this number of sites, it might be worth writing an external
> method to do
> the upgrading for you.
Without any Python experience that sounds to me like embarking on a mission
> Looks to the updateIndexing method of the SquishSite class around
> line 370 in
> Squishdot.py
> You may also want to include the stuff off the 'Upgrading' page on
> Squishdot.org. I think it's linked off the front page but I'm
> working off line
> so I can't be sure right now :-S
> > I exported my site from
> > 2.1.6 and imported it in 2.2.2. Then, I tried to be clever and
> copied all
> > items in the root folder of a newly installed squisdot site
> (with version
> > 0.7.3) to replace the content of an old 0.3.2-site (residing
> now in my new
> > Zope install 2.2.2.).
> This is probably a good idea, but you need to get that 'update
> indexing' button
> to work first ;-)
This approach might be an alternative to writing an external method, then?
I have been messing around with one of these sites. So, do I understand you
correctly when I think that the 'update indexing' button should work on a
0.3.2 site that is imported in a zope install that runs Squisdot 0.7.2? When
I try, however, I get that __cmp__ key error.
> > Recataloging gives an AttributeError (_catalog) with the following
> Well, as you'll see from reading the updateIndexing method, one
> of the first
> things it does is create that attribute...
> > Update indexing did not work out eather. The first time Zope complained
> > about the Vocabulary being already in use
> Now, this I couldn't figure out at first. BUT, you said you'd
> copied the stuff
> from a new Squishdot site, which would have, of course, included
> the vocabulary,
> so deleting that copied vocabulary would be a necessary step to
> get the upgrade
> to work.
> > and after deleting the vocabulary
> > I got a KeyError (__cmp__)
> Yeah, sorry, this is a bug that slipped out in 0.7.3 :-( It's fixed in the
> Squishdot CVS and I'm hoping to release Squishdot 1.0.0 as soon
> as time will
> allow. If enough people badger me or Squishdot 1.0.0 seems to far
> off, I can
> make an interim release to solve the problem.
> Let me know if you have any further problems,
As I highly appreciate your support, you can count on it.
> cheers,
> Chris
Cornelis J. de Brabander
Department of Education, Leiden University
P.O.Box 9555, NL-2300 RB Leiden
+31 71 527 3422/3401