[Zope] Images and uploading

Harald Scheirich scheirich@nulleins.at
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:49:06 +0100

What might help in your case is the ExtFile/ExtImage product.

It deposits binaries in a directory on the server but also creates 
Zope objects to access that file. It uses the Python Imaging Library 
for the handling of Images.

I assume PIL does not use file endings but header info from the files 
to detect the filetype you probably still need to actually create the 
object to do some checking or subclass ExtImage in Python to provide 
some more error checking .


At 12:13 PM +0100 2/28/01, Paul Zwarts wrote:
>So the question is, how do I get an attribute of an object while its
>still masquerading in the REQUEST as an upload instance....? Other
>reasons being is that on my old system, (its a link databse) hackers
>tried to upload .exe's thinking they could get a server-side trojan
>running, so I provide some kind of error checking....