[Zope] modificatoin date

Tim Cook tim@freepm.org
Tue, 06 Feb 2001 10:06:03 -0600

Tom Freeman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got the style sheets to work okay, now I just need to include a
> last modified date and time at the bottom of each page.
> before I did this with ssi, but this gives me an error now, but i'm sure
> there must be a way of doing this with Zope?

Generally I find the online reference and mailing list archives
very helpful.

<dtml-var expr="bobobase_modification_time()" >


-- Tim Cook, President --
Free Practice Management,Inc. | http://www.FreePM.com Office:
(901) 884-4126
"Liberty has never come from the government." - Woodrow Wilson