[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] ZSQL using LIKE operator

Jens Vagelpohl jens@digicool.com
Thu, 08 Feb 2001 08:29:06 -0500

i never use sqlgroup. all my needs so far have been satisfied by simply
chaining SQL statements with AND or OR in between.

when you start using arguments to ZSQL methods you *must* provide it. you
can't leave it out. in your case i would set the argument to a default value
on the querying form that gets passed if the user does not provide another
argument. then you can use dtml-if to test the value inside the ZSQL method
and act accordingly.


on 2/8/01 8:03, Schmidt, Allen J. at aschmidt@nv.cc.va.us wrote:

> Thanks! I feel really stupid now. I was composing a lengthy reply to you
> when I realized I did not have any arguments to the ZSQL method. I think I
> was under the assumption you needed to use sqltest to have to supply an
> argument - that it would get it from the REQUEST. I added the argument and
> used the query as you offered (which I think I had tried but without an
> argument) and it worked.
> Can I still use sqlgroup along with your suggested LIKE query to search by
> keyword if provided AND/OR within a specific category selected?
> Thanks for your time!!