[Zope] Newbie needs help with permissions/authorization syste
Farrell, Troy
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 12:31:11 -0600
Pardon je tandis que je pratique mes mauvais Fran=E7ais:
O=F9 est-que cette =ABFolder=BB? Si il est dans
/folder/JeVouldraisMettreMonZClassIci, tu cherche le tabulateur pour =
s'appelle =ABSecurity=BB.
Encore, je crois que ce n'est pas possible changer un ZClass au code de
python. Vous devenez recrire le code.
For everybody else (include those francophones that didn't get my bad
Pardon me while I practice my bad French:
Where is this "folder"? If it is at /folder/IWannaPutMyZClassHere, you =
looking for the "Security" tab inside /folder
Also, I don't think it's possible to transform a ZClass into python. =
must rewrite the code.=20
-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas Chauvat [mailto:Nicolas.Chauvat@logilab.fr]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 12:03 PM
To: Farrell, Troy
Cc: zope@zope.org
Subject: RE: [Zope] Newbie needs help with permissions/authorization
syste m
On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Farrell, Troy wrote:
> 1) You must have Manage Properties permission where you try to add =
> ZClass if it gets it's permissions by acquision
The user is anonymous and the place where I try to add the instances of
the ZClass is the Folder. I can't find the "Manage Properties" =
for the folder...
> 2) Under Control_Panel/Products/DeriveClass/DeriveClass/
< Define > Permissions > tab
> ensure that Permission for this Object: Manage Properties =3D =
> Properties
"Manage Properties" were set to "Add DeriveClass". I changed it to =
Properties" and did the same for the base class.
> 3) Under
> PropertySheet/ < Define Permissions > tab
> ensure that Permission for this Object: Manage Properties =3D =
> Properties
That's the case for both classes.
> Hope that works.
It didn't :-( I get the same error as before.
> If you are a newbie, I'm way behind :D I didn't touch ZClasses until
> I'd been using Zope for 6+ Months.
I wish I hadn't to touch ZClasses. If only I could see the code! That =
management interface is one of the worst things I've seen in years... =
reading the Zope documentation didn't help figuring out how to turn
existing Zope classes into good old python code.
Nicolas Chauvat
http://www.logilab.com - "Mais o=F9 est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, =