[Zope] course materials

aZaZel azazel@chiaroscuro.com
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 10:03:45 +0100


I'm organizing with a friend a small zope xourse for a group of 
intersted people here in Italy. The number of persons is growing and so 
we have decided to split up one big Zope course in to two courses. The 
first will be an introduction of the environment from the perspective of 
a general user and content manager  up to a little of dtml grammar. The 
second will be zope from a programmer perspective and so it starts where 
the first finished to explain the Zope API and how to use it, with dtml, 
zclasses, python  and maybe perl (i don't like perl).

the draft of the  program of the first course is a mix of the ZCMG and 
the Zope Book (until part 2, chapter 1)  with an addiction of a chapter 
on zope installation and how to interface (with apache.... IIS? well i 
need to find from my PC a volunteer for a windows installation :-)) ) 
and access it (web, ftp , webdav , Emacs).

Now i'm using as source of  material the ZCMG and the ZB and i'm looking 
at noa's zope presentation slides as a schematic introduction. I think 
to translate some parts of the english material to italian.

Have you any suggestion of other sources suitable for a course ?

