[Zope] the misc_ dictionary
Martijn Pieters
Thu, 15 Feb 2001 17:33:45 +0100
On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 02:17:00PM +0100, Erik Enge wrote:
> [Martijn Pieters]
> | As for your try/except construct, this one of the first things that Shane
> | Hathaway made unnecessary by hardening the registration process.
> Ok, for which version? This __init__.py was initally written back in
> September :)
I believe that the last bug preventing logging of Product import and
initialization exceptions was squashed in the 2.2.1 release; output of
tracebacks was fixed.
> | The rs.rs class can the also omit the icon property.
> Yeah, but what about all the other classes in the rs Product? They
> still have to have the icon property, and then it starts drift a bit:
> some classes their icon definition ?in themselves?, while this one
> (rs) doesn't. Correct? If so, I don't like that, and don't think
> I'll use it. Can't really see why it would be benefitial actually,
> I'm probably missing something here.
It is a simplification of the most common case; usually only registered
classes appear in the ZMI and therefor need an icon.
Indeed, if you have a Product that has classes that will also appear in
the ZMI, but have no need to be registered (because they aren't
user-addable?) then the old method may be easier to maintain for you.
Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer mailto:mj@digicool.com
| Digital Creations http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope http://www.zope.org/