[Zope] Re: problems with ftp and 2.3.0
Oliver Frommel
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 12:09:59 +0100 (CET)
> I found the problem - it is the UserDB which doesn't seem to support FTP.
> On the other hand, I log in to the site root as 'manager', a user having
> the Manager role, defined in the root User folder. The UserDB in the subdir
> doesn't have a 'manager' user. Isn't authentication supposed to acquire from
> the parent then??
I'll go on makeing this nice conversation with myself and a complete fool out
of me.
Finally I found some more documentation in ZServer/FTPServer.py:
" FTP access is controlled by one permission: 'FTP access' if bound to a
role, users of that role will be able to list directories, and cd to
them. Creating and deleting and changing objects are all governed by
existing Zope permissions.
now this turned out to be true to the extent that I was able to log in and
list the directories in question (also the ones containing a UserDB) with
the emergency user login. However my "manager" user has the same Manager
role as the emergency user has which itself is mapped to the FTP access
permission. So the question is why "admin" can do what "manager" can't even when
both have the same role ..