[Zope] (no subject)

Jens Vagelpohl jens@digicool.com
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 08:04:24 -0500

to "refresh" the contents of an external method there is a button called
"edit" in the management view of your external method in zope. just hit that
and your method will get refreshed.

the only exception to this is when your external method imports another
python module and you made changes to that imported python module. this will
not be picked up unless you restart zope (debug mode or not).


on 2/16/01 5:36, Arenz, Ralph at Ralph.Arenz@friatec.de wrote:

> Hello,
> at the moment I'am working with external python-Methods
> in Zope.
> To obtain that the changes in a python file takes effect
> i have to restart the zope server!
> Is there a way to avoid restarting zope after changing the content
> of the python module ?
> Ralph