[Zope] ansychat.py internal error
Leichtman, David J
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:29:04 -0600
Can anyone tell me why this might be happening?
Recently, and for no apparent reason, the ZServer's been throwing socket
errors from ansychat.py's initiate_send.
What could cause this? I don't even know where to start in debugging. It
seems to be random, and not tied to any particular access or event.
It's kind of agrevating when there's no straightforward way to track down
the error. And I don't know how to get any more info. I've run in debug mode
with a debug log, and run it through the analyzer script, but to no avail.
Doesn't produce any errors.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
I'm running Zope 2.2.2 on Solaris.
Example errors below:
2001-02-20T16:02:35 ERROR(200) ZServer uncaptured python exception, closing
channel <FCGIChannel connected at 7be948> (socket.error:(32,
'Broken pipe') [/opt/zope/ZServer/medusa/asynchat.py|initiate_send|211]
2001-02-20T16:04:50 ERROR(200) ZServer uncaptured python exception, closing
channel <FCGIChannel connected at 7cf3e8> (socket.error:(32,
'Broken pipe') [/opt/zope/ZServer/medusa/asynchat.py|initiate_send|211]
2001-02-20T16:05:44 ERROR(200) ZServer uncaptured python exception, closing
channel <FCGIChannel connected at 7b7018> (socket.error:(32,
'Broken pipe') [/opt/zope/ZServer/medusa/asynchat.py|initiate_send|211]