[Zope] AuthName and Z_REALM

Peter Bengtsson peter@grenna.net
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 12:31:46 -0000

I know I've seen a good reply here on the zope mailinglist about how to
change the login realm using Apache-VirtualHosts-Proxypassing.

What I want is that, when "going /manage" at any place on the server, it
should still say Realm: Zope on the little box that the web browser shows
whilst asking for username and password.

Except! When you go to one of those folders in my site that's using a
SiteRoot together with a VirtualHost in httpd/conf.
How do I do this?

Here's what it can look like today.

<VirtualHost nsdemo.overnetdata.com>
 ServerAdmin peter.bengtsson@overnetdata.com
 ErrorLog logs/zope-gmislite-error_log
 TransferLog logs/zope-gmislite-access_log
 ServerName nsdemo.overnetdata.com

 ProxyPass /
 ProxyPassReverse /
 ProxyPass /p_
 ProxyPass /misc_


Best, Peter