[Zope] downgrading from 2.1.x from 2.2.0 to use NTuser authentication

Toby Dickenson tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com
Tue, 02 Jan 2001 12:19:00 +0000

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:15:22 -0800, Erik Myllymaki
<erik@pacific-shores.com> wrote:

>I would really like to use the jc/ntuserfolder products but see that they
>haven't been brought up to speed with the new 2.2.x security model. Will
>downgrading to 2.1.x render my site inaccessible? What will I have to change
>security wise so I can use these pages from the old version?
>Alternatively, I might take a stab at bring the jc/ntuserfolder up to date
>with the new security model - any insight from those in the know
>appreciated(am I underestimating that task?).

[You should be able to find several references to this in the

Firstly, these old XXXUserFolder products still work acceptably unless
you are using the PTK (or other similar products). The incompatability
is not with Zope, but rather with these other products.

Adding to NUserFolder to keep up with API changes is probably not the
best solution, because the User Folder API has been significantly
extened. A better approach is to use a customisable User Folder
product like LoginManager.

It should be possible to transplant the authentication functions from
NTUserFolder. Ive not tried this, but it looks easy enough.

I hope this helps,

Toby Dickenson