[Zope] Advice on searching/indexing Word documents?

Tres Seaver tseaver@digicool.com
Thu, 04 Jan 2001 07:48:29 -0500

sean.upton@uniontrib.com wrote:
> I really like the idea of extending OFS:File to support different file
> types, but what I would like to see is something that is
> format/filter/library agnostic.

Please have a look at the "Hookable PUT" proposal (which has already
been implemented for 2.3):


This project adds an API to the handler for HTTP/FTP PUT requests to
non-existent objects (so that you can specify/tweak the object which
is created).

Handling PUT in the object directly (for WebDAV/FTP/HTTP "uploads")
would be the job of your File-like object.  The PTK's content objects
do this now, for limited types of content (structured text with
RFC822-style headers for the metadata);  we plan to add other filters
there, as well.

We'd be glad of your help definining the API.  Could you take the
text of your message and create a "fishbowl" proposal with it on
the dev.zope.org site?

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.org