[Zope] "SELECT ... AS ..." statement in ZSQL

Bowyer, Alex BowyerA@logica.com
Mon, 8 Jan 2001 13:59:37 +1100

A simple question, but I can't seem to find a simple answer in any of the

How do you do a SELECT AS statement in a ZSQL method?

For example
SELECT FirstName + " " + LastName AS FullName

Whenever I use AS, I end up getting the SQL error "Two few parameters: x
expected" where is the number of AS expressions in my query.

I have tried the same query in Access on the same database and it works
I even tried to leave Access to do the query and then just let Zope treat
the query as a table.
SELECT * FROM MyQueryInAccessWhichUsesAsStatements
but I get the same error.

Can anyone help?



Alex Bowyer
IT Consultant, Logica Australasia
Tel    : +61 2 9202 8130
Fax    : +61 2 9922 7466
E-mail : bowyera@logica.com
WWW    : http://www.logica.com.au/