[Zope] Tux & Zope?

Takashi Veikko Linzbichler takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com
Tue, 09 Jan 2001 18:38:14 +0100

Hi, Jonathan,

Jonathan wrote:
> Just one of those things that keeps popping up on my list of 'things I
> should try': Zope behind the Tux webserver. For those who do not know:
> Tux is a very fast webserver for Linux because it operates at kernel
> level. It can pass requests it can't handle to another server, ZServer
> for example.

Are you sure Tux will help in conjunction with Zope ? AFAIK Tux can only
handle static html pages and nothing more. Any request to dynamic pages
(and I wold consider any Zope powered system being 100% dynamic) has to
be passed to another (user-level) webserver. So IMHO in the case of Zope
this would be no improvement at all. 

But that's just my thoughts, please correct me, if I'm wrong.


smartferret it-consulting Dipl.-Ing. Linzbichler KEG

Dipl.-Ing. Takashi Veikko Linzbichler
Tannhofweg 28/3
A-8044 Graz, Austria

Tel.:   0316 / 39 89 40 -0
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Mobil:  0676 / 31 26 286
eMail:  takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com

WWW:    http://www.smartferret.com