[Zope] How to list objects across different containers in Zope's
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 15:18:12 -0500
Thanks for the tip, James. It seems a clever approach although I must
keep it for the time being.
Anyway if that were the case, the question could be this one:
How can I list all the headlines and summaries for all the news appeared
for sports, locals and politics sections (in example) from December
27th,2000 and January 5th, 2001 ?
James Sintz wrote:
> Ausum,
> It may be time to re-think your site structure. I have a news type site as
> well and here is how I handle it (my way... not saying it is by any means
> the best or right way).
> Instead of storing your news items in a series of folderish objects, maybe
> create folders for each section and then create a news item ZClass with the
> article date or goLiveDate as the ID.
> zopesite:8080/sports/2000.10.17/newsobjectid_htm
> Then do some dtml to pull out the ones you want on the main
> "sport/thislist_htm" page.
> Better yet use ZCatalog to search for the range of news items you want to
> appear in the list.
> Hope this helps!!
> Jamey Sintz