[zope] : Postgre installation problem

K H Subrahmanyan subrahmanyan.kalathur@wipro.com
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 17:39:47 +0530

I have installed postgre SQL in my linux server.
I have installed ZpopyDA to my zope installation.

but when  I run the server I get the following error.

help me.
what else I have to do.
kindly give the necessary links.
thanks in advance.

ZPoPyDA Import Traceback

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/Zope-2.2.5-linux2-x86/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 397, in
    product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly)
  File "/Zope-2.2.5-linux2-x86/lib/python/Products/ZPoPyDA/__init__.py",
line 32, in ?
    import sys, os, Globals, DA
  File "/Zope-2.2.5-linux2-x86/lib/python/Products/ZPoPyDA/DA.py", line 35,
in ?
    from PoPy_db import DB
  File "/Zope-2.2.5-linux2-x86/lib/python/Products/ZPoPyDA/PoPy_db.py", line
35, in ?
    raise "The PoPy module is not installed"
The PoPy module is not installed