[Zope] Zope, database field formats, output format of queries

Michael Schmidt mschmidt@fh-koblenz.de
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 14:21:32 +0100

On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 07:50:45PM +0100, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Michael Schmidt writes:
>  > Can you create fields in a zope based database where you force 
>  > the fields to accept e.g. only letters "M" or "W" or any other 
>  > other combination of your choice?
> What do you mean with a Zope based database?
> If you mean an external database, look for the datatypes and
> restrictions, they support for column values. SQL 3 may
> give you some of what you want.

The wording of "Zope based database" may cause a misunderstanding, 
what I really meant was a database behind Zope or a database 
accessed through the interface of Zope.

> Whether internal or external, you can control what goes through
> Zope to your database. You will probably need External Methods to
> get the full Python power, see "python.org" for documentation
> about Pythons vast library.
> You will be especially interested in the "re" module.
> It implements (Perl style) regular expressions.

Do these also achieve error handling?
Shall say which part of the software presents error messages 
on the screen if e.g. the user inputs other values than "M" 
and "W" in the above question?

Please excuse my ignorance, I'm new to Zope. Why I'm asking is 
that I'm thinking of recoding an application which I wrote years 
ago in the 4GL ZIM of Zanthe Information Technologies. That ZIM 
provided you with features I mentioned in the beginning and you 
hadn't to handle the error handling of wrong/unwanted input 
yourself, the underlying software did it for you.

Would be fine if Zope could do the same or similar, can it?

Michael  Schmidt                 mschmidt@fh-koblenz.de
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