[Zope] a little problem - $1 reward!

Lee lee.reilly@ntlworld.com
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:52:07 +0000

Hi there,

If someone could have a quick look at this I would really appreciate it!
I cannot for the life of me understand this... I have a DTML method
taking in parameters for use with sendmail, which when I *display*
appear correct but when I *send* are altered slightly. I know where the
problem lies (it's obvious) but I can't see what the problem is.

Here's my DTML method:

<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('recipients',[])">
  <dtml-in "REQUEST.form.items()">
    <dtml-if expr="_['sequence-key'] in
      <input type="hidden" name="<dtml-var sequence-key>"
value="<dtml-var sequence-item>">
      <dtml-call "recipients.append(_['sequence-key'])">

<dtml-sendmail mailhost="MailHost">
  To: <dtml-var "_.string.join(recipients,'@cs.strath.ac.uk,
  From: <dtml-var sender> 
  Reply-To: <dtml-var senderEmail>
  Subject: <dtml-var subject>
  X-Mailer: ZAPHOD Mail Client V1.0

  <dtml-var message>


<h2>Cheers, <dtml-var sender>!</h2>
  <p>Your message has been sent.</p>

My problem lies with the To/From parts in the <sendmail>. When the
message has been sent...

-=-==--=-= I should see:

Subject:  Hello
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:30:11 +0000
From: Lee
Reply-To: lee.reilly@ntlworld.com
To: ltyler@cs.strath.ac.uk, lreilly@cs.strath.ac.uk

-=-==--=-= but I see:

Subject:  Hello
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:30:11 +0000
From: Lee@cs.strath.ac.uk <---- why is the @cs.strath.ac.uk still
Reply-To: lee.reilly@ntlworld.com
To: ltyler@cs.strath.ac.uk, lreilly@cs.strath.ac.uk

<dtml-var sender> gives me 'Lee'

Clearly, there is a problem with :
	To: <dtml-var "_.string.join(recipients,'@cs.strath.ac.uk,
	From: <dtml-var sender> 

i.e the @cs.strath.ac.uk is still lingering... but why? without the
'@cs.strath.ac.uk' at the end of the var the last email address would
not be complete i.e. it be "lreilly".

even when i put another tag in place of from, e.g. 'X-Mailer:' is still
renders From='Lee@cs.strath.ac.uk'. I know it's asking a lot but can
anyone tell me what the problem is? I'm confused and the coffee isn't
helping anymore!

- Thanks,


Lee Reilly



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</shameless plug>