[Zope] Re: Editors [OT]

Tres Seaver tseaver@digicool.com
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:37:10 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Chris Withers wrote:

> Tres Seaver wrote:
> > 
> > I'm liking it a lot -- the last reason to even consider using
> > emacs is gone :)
> Hmmm... interesting, maybe it's time to find a new editor...
> My wishlist would be:
> - Runs nicely on NT4

Vim works for me :)  http://www.vim.org

> - Syntax highlighting for Python, C, XML, HTML (and, although
>   this is dreamworld > stuff, DTML ;-)

Vim's highlighting is pretty good -- the HTML highlighting
even does OK for DTML.

> - FTP or WebDAV editing built in as standard (or alternative
>   solution, like cadaver making it work ;-)

On a Windows box, use WebDrive to "mount" the WebDAV source
port ofyour Zope to a drive letter:


> - Regular Expression search & replace

Heh, vi is where those things grew up. :)

> - search & replace of multiple files

gvim, the GUI version, lets you migrate with the mouse through
your list of open buffers (also with the classic ":n" and ":N").
In fact, this feature is almost the only reason I use the mouse
while editing.

As for "global search & replace" I routinely do something like:

  find . -name "*.py" | xargs grep -l "mispeld" | xargs gvim

and then:


in each buffer.  On a windows box, you would need to be running
cygwin to make that work, of course :)  But perhaps "Windows Find"
plus "select all" plus some fewmet magic (drag-n-dropping :)
would be equivalent.

> and my dream list would be:
> - can run multiple copies of the editor at once

No problemo.

> - class browser for python, with expand/collapse of code
>   (like the editor for > Python 2)

Vim won't help here -- it just wants to be an editor, not an
operating system. :)  You might check out WingIDE, BoaConstructor
(even does XML-RPC to talk to Zope!), or Komodo.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.org